Journey to Hereafter

Journey to Hereafter
Walk the Path of a true Muslimah

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Blinded Identity

You were born with this name that your parent had given upon you and have you ever wonder what's the meaning of all of this. I for myself keep on wondering why us people should be given a name. Wouldn't it be much better if the entire population of earth live with a name then I would be happy to called you nameless or soulless and maybe tearless person. Then this world will be a better since there won't be war or famine or political issues will be ceased to be existed. This what I felt about the around us. Nothing but seemly fake happiness when you the world we live in is nothing but lies that's why is better that people live without a name.

1 comment:

Your Piggy Banks said...

i kinda disgagree cos if everyone has the same wouldn't it be easier to make the world full of lies. Imagine, cheaters cheat people and polices or the victime couldn't find them due to their similar names. There will be no justice around.
Names are necessary cos it acts as a symbol of us.