It has been awhile since the last time I blogged. Life had been so hard for the past few months. A lot of crises had happened which was beyond my understand. Most of the time I would feel pressure but I was numb. How should I react? How may I handle it? My sister kept on spurring hating words because she was feeling deep anguish and sadness for our mother. On the first of day of 'Raya', our mother called and wished us 'Happy Raya'. It was a varieties of reaction from simple smile to crying tears of longing for her presence. Regardless of this pain and sorrow that had befallen upon us. We will continue to remain strong and stay patience for Allah swt sake because we believe in Allah swt that things happened for reasons that Allah swt alone knows more. So, we remain faithful and believe strongly for Allah swt. We pray for guidance towards Allah swt.